
Contaminated Water in Pittsburgh

Although most childhood lead poisoning cases come from lead-based paint in older homes, lead-tainted water from lead water pipes is also a major source of lead exposure. In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, an alarming number of homes have had water tests showing lead levels in the water in violation of Federal drinking water standards of 15 parts per billion (ppb) or more.

According to testing, the water leaving the treatment plants contains little or no lead. Rather, the lead in Pittsburgh's water is coming from pipes delivering the water after it has been treated. Water is delivered by water mains, which connect to connector lines, and in turn connect to service lines that bring the water into the home. A survey of Pittsburgh's water system has found 1,500 lead connector lines owned by the city, which the city is required to replace by July 1, 2017.

However, many residents of Pittsburgh also have lead service lines connecting their homes to the city's water connector lines. These service lines are often privately owned by the homeowner, and state law prohibits the Pittsburgh Water and Sewage Authority (PWSA) from replacing them. Instead, it is up to homeowners to ensure the line connecting their homes to the water system is lead-free.

According to one estimate by the PWSA, between twenty and twenty-five percent of its 83,000 customers may have lead service lines delivering water to their homes. Ordinarily, the water in a lead service line will build up scaling inside the pipe, forming a protective barrier and preventing lead in the pipe from leaching into the water. However, when a water system is disturbed by repairs or changes in the pH of the water, the protective sealing can break down, leaving residents in those homes vulnerable to exposure to lead-tainted water. Recent repair and replacement work on the city-owned mains and connectors may have disturbed this scaling, causing a spike in the lead levels in the water.

The city is currently offering free water test kits to see if your home has lead-tainted water. If your home tests positive, it is recommended that you have your children tested for a blood lead level. If your child tests positive for lead poisoning, a lead poisoning attorney may be able to help.

The lead poisoning law firm of Levy Konigsberg LLP has decades of experience helping lead poisoned children get the compensation they need and deserve. Contact one of our experienced lead poisoning attorneys today to see if you have a case.

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